Our Indy Eleven Spirit program places the focus on developing individual ball skills. Through a series of practices, games and intra club scrimmages, your child will learn how to connect with the ball, listen to instructions and improve soccer skills to take to the field against other club teams.
The Academy program will offer a challenging, developmentally appropriate, training and competition environment. The group sessions will be dynamic and structured weekly for training and league play. The developmental process for every player will adhere to the performance targets specific to the player development model for each age group. Our coaches are nationally licensed with years of experience!
U8, U9, U10 Academy Birth Years: 2015, 2016, 2017
Fall & Spring Season or Spring Only
Each Season consists of 8 weeks 2x per week training sessions plus games on the weekends. Games are typically played on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Players will be set up in a uniform ordering portal and will need to purchase an official Fire Training/Game Kit (approx. $125) through our SOCCER.COM store. The kit will be worn for all training sessions and games.